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Day 346: The Polar Express pt.1

Saturday night the Dailylife Wife and I took the two grandcritters, Toots and Lugnut, to ride the Polar Express, named for the train in the film, of course.

It is a presentation of the Charlie Russell Chew Choo, which is normally a summertime tourist/dinner train out of Lewistown, /\/\ontana!

 But for a few short days in December, it travels to the North Pole…

First off the kids get to write a letter to Santa.

Some people just wonder when the train will start moving.

There is a pleasant sunset on one side of the train.

Uh oh, Lugnut got the camera again!!!

On the other side of the train is a pleasant moonrise!

The letter gets longer.

Hey!  I can color too!

Somebody has figured out how to color really good this Fall!

“Are we moving yet?”

(Some photos by the Dailylife Wife!)

~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>