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Day 109: The Big Island Day Two pt 5

“St. Benedict’s Painted Church was erected in 1899 by Father John Velghe. Without any professional training and using house paint on ordinary wood he beautified the church with his paintings. In those days few Hawaiians could read and so he taught with pictures-most successfully.” ~from The Painted Church Website

The road up to the church was so twisty that even the palm trees were twisted!

The inside of this church is all painted, but very open to the weather.

Everything in Hawai’i seems to be open to the weather!

It is a good thing the Father who painted all of these used house paint.



Even the ceiling go painted.

These are not all of the paintings, and some are in too bad of shape to be left out.

Outside of the church was the usual cemetery.

(Two photo panorama)

Not so usual is the mass of tropical flowers growing around it!







And then it was time to wind our way back down that little road in a full sized tour bus, and back to Kona…

~Curtis in Kona! {!-{>

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