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Day 199: “This Station is now fully operational!”

It is done.  I mean, I have to replace two overly long screws, put on two pairs of handrails and install some ground anchors for when Lugnut decides to see if he can loop the swing.  But it is done.  The Dailylife Wife even gets to park in the garage tonight! (One night only!)


This is the swing set part of things.  It went together fine until the 4×4 going up into the green bracket on this side decided to slip while I was trying to connect the bolts and hit my arm, which is connected to my shoulder, which had gotten a lot better with several visits to the Chiropractor, but has been undone, I think.


(All photos Nikon Coolpix P7100)

The hooks for the swings.  Of course. I apparently used the wrong washers earlier in the project and was three short…I had to run to Ace for three ten cent washers.  Then I got back and discovered I had put the first five bolts in without the lock washers…



I thought these would be hard to do since the nut for the glider/swing links is inside of the metal tube, but it went on quite easily.


In the instructions all of the swings and chains are attached >>before<< putting this beam up on the side of the fort.  I decided that step could wait a few minutes.


The glider.


The glider and swings.


A two photo panorama to see the whole thing…it is just that big!


“This Station is now fully operational.  It is the ultimate power in the Galaxy.”

~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

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