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Day 200

Morte miscellaneous stuff from the Day of the Eclipse!

On the road WAY too early!


…there is a budding astrophotographer in there somewhere…!

Our neighbors.

Dusty Feet to be.

More dusty feet to be.

So the Eclipse, or at least Totality, is done.  People are leaving before the Eclipse is over.  I can understand that.  These cars are coming from Mud Lake…

…to join this group, which did move very slowly, but the line stayed at this point for more than an hour.  Oh, we are about three miles from the Interstate.

So eventually the Eclipse was over (see below!) and Toots and I hot footed it back the way we came on some backroads to a northbound onramp.  Once we were back in /\/\onTana! things were going fine, although there was more traffic there than I had ever seen….only to run into…

…five or six or more miles of stop and go.  Accident?  Crazy Albertan Drivers?  No, although there were some crazy Albertans they didn’t cause this mess.  It was a one lane construction zone about twenty miles south of Dillon.  And of course, they hadn’t actually STARTED any real construction yet, they just had the orange posts out.  Bad timing on someone’s part!  The biggest traffic day this highway has ever had, and they made us do one lane for no real reason.  Oh well, I had a few nice conversations with people in the traffic jam while we were just parked on the Interstate.


And as we neared home at 8:30 that night we had a spectacular sunset as well!

All in all it was a good time.  There is another Total Eclipse stating in Texas in 2024 and moving North East.  Time to get those reservations in!

~Curtis in /\/\onTana! again! {!-{>

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