This was the sunset as we rounded the southern end of Kuiu Islant, almost due West of Ketchikan. This was the first cloud cover we saw, and it was gone later in the night…HA! Night. Right. {!-{P
(1/320, f8, 17mm, ISO 200, four images stitched together with MS ICE)
The photo above was taken a couple of minutes after we were at this point. Ketchikan is just off the right side of the Map/GPS Track below.
(Screen shot using the Print Screen key and pasted in Paint Shop Pro)
Looking towards the stern over the pool deck. In better weather (other than the cold, wind and a few sprinkles) there is a pizza bar, a grill, and ice cream bar, a bar bar, and a band, as well as a pool or two and hot tub up here.
(1/125, f8, 34mm, ISO 200)
The location of the sunset through the wind screens around much of the deck.
(1/30, f8, 17mm, ISO 200)
A miscellaneous mountain from earlier in the day…
(1/640, f8, 70mm, ISO 200)
Next:Â Tomorrow (Ship’s time…)
~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>
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