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Day 267: A Blast From The Past!

In 2004 I got to spend three fun filled weeks working in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  It was really a good trip.  On Sunday, the 11th of January, I drove to the top of Pikes Peak!

As you can see, it really is a long way up.  It was work just to breathe.

e(1/1000, f2.8, 5.7mm, ISO Auto, Canon Powershot A70)

Since that isn’t too readable, here is a closeup:

If that doesn’t work, here was the info on my PDA/GPS: 14110.9 Feet up.

There is an inclined railroad to the top from the bottom.  It was closed for the winter.

(1/320, f3.2, 7.8mm, ISO Auto, Canon Powershot A70)

It ends behind where I shot the photo above…

(1/1000, f3.5, 7.8mm, ISO Auto, Canon Powershot A70)


Really.  It just ends.  There is No More.

(Remember Robyn, the only thing that counts is getting the shot! {!-{> )

AND it is wallpaper sized!

(1/500, f3.2, 7.8mm, ISO Auto, Canon Powershot A70)


This is the view looking East from the top of Pike’s Peak.

(Click a couple times too see it full sized, BACK to return here!)

(Eleven photos stitched together in MS ICE)

The orange rocks below are The Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, a major tourist and local attraction.  It is a really neat jumble of rocks.

(1/160, f4.8, 16.2mm, ISO Auto, Canon Powershot A70, cropped a lot!)

Here is the end of the Garden of the Gods prior to driving through it.

(1/1000, f2.8, 5.4mm, ISO Auto, Canon Powershot A70)

~Curtis in Colorado, back then, anyway! {!-{>