I hit the road fairly early (for a Saturday…) to Kalispell to have a nice after-Thanksgiving lunch with Dad. I was going to stop at my brother’s hunting camp for a while on the way home, but he called last night and told me someone had their spot, so they weren’t sure where they would be, and the roads had turned to slop. I gave his crew a pass at his suggestion, and headed for Kalispell.
The sunrise gave some interesting light to clouds on the Little Belt Mountains.
(Nikon Coolpix L11 on Auto)
There was a little fog on the way out of town, too.
(Nikon Coolpix L11 on Auto)
But once I got close to Seeley Lake some color came out.
(1/80, f8, 37mm, ISO 100, warming filter)
This is on the same lake, just south of the town of Seeley Lake. This mansion on the island, complete with helipad, was built by the inventor of the Today Contraceptive Sponge. He got rich and then went broke when some erroneous medical controversy ruined him. He gave this mansion, and the island it fills, to the University of Montana in Missoula, including the the multi-place garage/boathouse on the right. They used it for a faculty retreat for a while. I don’t know if they still own it, but I think it is now rented out for retreats for others.
(1/200, f8, 17mm, ISO 100, warming filter)
(1/100, f8, 32mm, ISO 100, warming filter)
~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>