After I dropped Leslee off at work before six a.m., I never got back to sleep. I loaded up my camera and went out to find the sunrise.
(1/100, f11, 17mm, ISO 200, wallpaper sized!)
This is down Fife Road.
(1/125, f8, 30mm, ISO 200)
And of course I found the one spot on 8 miles of gravel road where you could put your foot and slip.
(1/640, f8, 40mm, ISO 200, Wallpaper sized!)
So I did the Country Toe Tap Two Step for a while, but managed to stay upright, although my hip hurt the rest of the day…
(1/400, f8, 38mm, ISO 200, wallpaper sized!)
The train goes by here, but doesn’t stop anymore…
(1/400, f8, 56mm, ISO 200)
Frosty fences make good neighbors!
(1/400, f8, 105mm, ISO 200, wallpaper sized!)
~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>