These two signs identify the major features that can be seen from Cape Royal.
This panorama covers a lot of the view.
(Four photos stitched together in MS ICE)
(Click to enlarge, BACK to return!)
On the left is Vishnu Temple.
(1/750, f8, 25mm, ISO 320, -1 stop)
In the middle is Horseshoe Mesa, across the Canyon.
(1/1000, f8, 25mm, ISO 320, -1 stop)
On the right is Wotans Throne. To the right of that on the far canyon wall, is what most people think of when they think Grand Canyon: the South Rim. I think Tour busses, traffic jams and screaming kids. None of that here on the North Rim! At least not now…
(1/125, f16, 17mm, ISO 320, -1/2 stop)
Freya Castle and Vishnu Temple. The Desert View Watchtower, a South Rim landmark, is just above Freya Castle on the horizon line where it breaks away and falls to the left, about 1/3 of the way from the left edge. This little block is from the original of one of the photos in the panorama below. It is magnified to 200% of normal size. The block is the Watchtower.
(Four photos stitched together in MS ICE)
Another view from Cape Royal.
(1/180, f16, 23mm, ISO 320, -1/2 stop)
The view for people who don’t like cliffs and high places!
(1/250, f16, 22mm, ISO 320, -1/2 stop)
A different view on the way back from Cape Royal.
(Nikon Coolpix L11)
~Curtis on Cape Royal! {!-{>
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