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Day 362: More Ice Jam!

A view of ice over the dam, before the jam breaks up!

(1/1500, f8, 190mm, ISO 200, -1/2 stop, four images converted to an animated GIF in JASC Animation Shop 3)

A bunch of Coots who will be rudely surprised when the ice jam does break!

(1/350, f8, 135mm, ISO 200, cropped from a single photo)

Meanwhile, back at the ice jam…

(1/1500, f8, 112mm, ISO 200)

(1/1000, f8, 28mm, ISO 200)

More Jam! (That is River Drive at the bottom of this photo and the one above…)

(1/1500, f8, 130mm, ISO 200, +1/2 stop)

~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>