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Category Archives: Family Photos

Day 88: A Blast from the Past!

I was looking for some photos I took in late 2006 on the Argus World Camera III, when I found these two from the wayback machine harddrive… Charles, LA (Charles’ dad) and my big sister Deyanne, a long, long time ago.  Man, dig those red pants!!! LA sniffing the Beargrass…hmmm… Somewhere in western Montana. ~Curtis […]

Day 318

On the road to my Sister’s Birthday Party… This looks familiar somehow… (1/1500, f8, 300mm, ISO 500) Meanwhile, somewhere back in time on the coast of Oregon… (Scanned from a photo…) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{> (At this point in the Space/Time Continuum, anyhow…!)

Day 317

Last Sunday my Father-In-Law Bill Weir passed away.  I don’t have many photos of him. June and Bill, Gate and Crow Pub, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada, 2003. Leslee, Caitlin, Lauree, June, and Bill,  Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada, 2003. Bill, June and Leslee, Igotnotaclue, 2004. Bill, Leslee and June, Kirsten’s High School Graduation, Great […]

Day 191

After our family fireworks, the inevitable family photos… Toots, Mama, Nana, and Tante Knick Knack (Harlee, Kirsten, Leslee, and Caitlin) A wallpaper sized (1440×960) version: Lugnut, Lugwrench and Papa (Nick, Tim and Curtis) and the old Camaro, also…already wallpaper sized! (Photo by Caitlin!) ~Curtis, at Home, in /\/\onTana! {!

Happy Birthday!

Today, February 25th, is my brother Dennis’ birthday.  He is five years older than me, so we won’t say how old. Dennis and my future bride Leslee in 1984, at Oma’s Shack in the Woods, Martin City, /\/\onTana!. (Dennis is the one with the hat on, not the fur coat…) (scanned from photo) Note the […]

Day 23: A Blast from the Past!

I was trying to clean up my little corner of the basement, when I ran across this photo of a rosie cheek young lad…I am not too sure about who hand-tinted this…it looks a lot like lipstick… Charles Aden Barrow, Age: 4 months, c. the end of 1925. (Scanned from photo) When I took the […]

Day 16

On Wednesday the 13th, my Mother-In-Law passed away in London, Ontario.  June Weir, aka: Nana, enjoyed a good, healthy debate on almost any subject, as those of us who knew her can attest!  >>grin<< The Service was held on the 16th of January. 1943: The Babe December 1982 June and Julie Novak, December 1983, the […]

Day 362: From the archives…

1983.  Between Niedeggan and Thum, West Germany.  This was the Belgian High Power radar site that ran our Nike Hercules launch site, which was about a mile on the other side of this hill. The print hasn’t aged perfectly, but it is wallpaper sized! ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 361: W-Day +25

Leslee and I were wed in Germany on this day in 1984, twenty five years ago (and I am actually posting on the right day!). Outside our charming quarters, a poured concrete apartment Building.  Inside they were nice… (Note the snazzy Olympus OM-4 Camera under my arm: still got it; still works!) Planting the ring. […]

Day 360

This is my Dad and Stepmom’s Anniversary.  They were married on 26 Dec 1977. L.A. Barrow (he hated the name Luther!),  Sarah and Charles Barrow In the former Methodist Church in Whitefish, /\/\onTana! Happy Anniversary! ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>