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Category Archives: Great Falls Camera Club

Day 104

The monthly Camera Club contest was “agriculture”. A couple of old ones that I used in the Contest: After a Hard Day (This is actually a photo of my Grandson Lugnut at a corn maze when he was three but it fits the Contest.) Clearing Fields (This is from last Fall when some farmer was […]

Day 103

The monthly Camera Club contest was “agriculture”. A few new ones (not used): ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 102

The monthly Camera Club contest was “agriculture”. A new one (not used): ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 101

The monthly Camera Club contest was “agriculture”. A new one (not used): ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 54

An unused dirt road panorama for the Camera Club.  The peaks left of center are the San Francisco Peaks above Flagstaff.  At the dip in the red rocks to the right of center lies Sedona. A multi-photo panorama!  Click on it a couple times to enlarge it; BACK to return here! ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 39

What I entered in “From Above”.  An also-ran.  Not quite what I wanted, and I wasn’t willing to put in the time right then. Pen and Scissors holder. ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 38

What I entered in “From Above”. Two Cents Worth ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 37

What I entered in “From Above”. Tomato Excavation. ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 36

What I entered in “From Above”. Remote. ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 35

What I entered in “From Above”. Above the Wrong End. ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>