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Category Archives: PAD 2011

Day 270

The first photos published from MY Canon 7D!!!  Three quick snapshots. (1/200, f11, 127mm, ISO 500, -1/3 stops) I caught Mother Nature in mid-change…cute knickers! (1/60, f11, 47mm, ISO 500, -1.3 stops) Old Glory in the breeze! (1/100, f11, 100mm, ISO 500, -1.3 stops) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 269: Fruit blogging! (Mostly…)

From a fruit stand in Osoyoos, BC! (Canon Powershot SX100IS on auto…I actually had to DE-saturate the color on a few of these! * ** *** ** * ~Curtis in BC! {!-{>

Day 268

Another glimpse of why Rainbow Falls got it’s name! (1/1000, f8, 105mm, ISO 200, -1/2 stop, extra saturation in post production) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 267

Fall is a comin’! (1/750, f8, 135mm, ISO 200, -1 stop) Taken down near Giant Springs State Park on Saturday.  Lots of change since then… ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 266

An actual steam engine at the Steam Museum, site of the World Famous Scott Kelby Photowalk!  (Scott Kelby not included) Number 124, an old 0-4-0 switcher, with a copper washtub over a dome, on a very short track. (1/2500, f8, 8omm, ISO 800, -1.3 stop) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 265

Another Canon 7D photo, much reduced in size… (1/15, f5.6, 115mm, ISO 200) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 264

My first published photo taken with a Canon 7D!  Not mine, mind you, but it was a Canon 7D! (1/320, f5.6, 135mm, ISO 200, -1 stop) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 263

Our friend Robyn invited us down to the Steam Museum (Site of the World Famous Photowalk this coming Saturday!) on Sunday morning. A giant sea monster rising up to consume the Dailylife Wife? (1/60, f16, 38mm, ISO 200, -1/2 stop) No, just old farm equipment from days long gone… Details: (1/60, f16, 100mm, ISO 200, […]

Day 262: Back at my sister’s garden…

(1/750, f5.6, 125mm, ISO 200, -1 stop) ~Curtis in BC! {!-{>

Day 261: Back at my sister’s garden…

(1/2000, f5.6, 135mm, ISO 200, -1 stop) ~Curtis in BC! {!-{>