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Category Archives: PAD 2011

Day 300!

The ridge overlooking Gates of the Mountains.  The four images all from the same photo.  All are wallpaper sized. Color, full image. (1/8000, f11, 400mm, ISO 400) Bl;ack & White, full image. Color, cropped image. Black & white, cropped image. *** ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 299: Fall along the banks of Belt Creek pt.3

(1/250, f8, 105mm, ISO 400, -1/2 stop) (1/250, f5.6, 100mm, ISO 400, -1/2 stop) (1/500, f5.6, 95mm, ISO 400, -1/2 stop) (1/750, f5.6 135mm, ISO 400, -1/2 stop) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 298: Fall along the banks of Belt Creek pt.2

Kind of cloudy when we went out again yesterday.  Muted lighting and colors. (1/15, f22, 130mm, ISO 200, -1/2 stop) The Dailylife Wife in search of Autumn! (1/125, f8, 117mm, ISO 200, -1/2 stop) (1/250, f8, 115mm, ISO 400, -1/2 stop) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 297: Fall along the banks of Belt Creek pt.1

(1/250, f8, 60mm, ISO 100, -1/2 stop) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 296: It’s coming…

From January 22, 2011… (1/4000, f8, 250mm, ISO 500) (1/1500, f8, 90mm, ISO 400) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 295: Self Portraits by Toots!

Taken on the ride back from Missoula after the Dailylife Daughter #1 got her new car… (all photos from an Apple iPod, unprocessed) *** *** And some friends… ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 294: Benton Lake NWR…

…or across the road from their turnoff.  I think from this angle I was looking at the Moonrise north of the Highwoods, but it got cloudy enough Saturday night when I took these that you couldn’t see the mountains anyway. (1/8, f5.6, 400mm, ISO 320, -1/2) It rose up through a bunch of clouds into […]

Day 293: Benton Lake NWR

A panorama from one photo.  Click to enlarge, BACK to return here. Pelicans. (1/1000, f8, 400mm, ISO 320, -1/2 stop) More pelicans.  As wallpaper. (1/1500, f8, 400mm, ISO 320, -1/2 stop) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 292: Benton Lake NWR

A female shoveler. (1/750, f8, 400mm, ISO 200, -1/2 stop) A pair of coots. (1/350, f8, 400mm, ISO 200, -1/2 stop) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 291: Benton Lake NWR

I got this slightly quirky photo out at Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge.  It isn’t very sharp, even after I sharpened the heck out of it, but I like it.  Kind of…quirky… (1/4000, f8, 400mm, ISO 200) The very next shot is a great shot, sharp and clear.  Same birds, even!  Not too quirky though… […]