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Category Archives: Hawaii 2018

Day 261

In late February of 2018 we went to Maui for a couple of weeks, via Seattle.  This was the weather as we followed DD#2 home from work. Upon our return via Seattle the weather had cleared, an it was light clouds and sunshine on the way home.  This was my selfie as I realized that […]

Day 320

Shadows and Silhouettes for the Camera Club… Probably a repeat… ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 154

Just one more… ~Curtis in /\/\aui!  {!-{>

Day 153

Another Black-Crowned Night Heron.   *** *** ~Curtis on /\/\aui! {!-{>

Day 151

Meanwhile, back on Maui, at the Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge, between Kihei and Ma’alaea… A Hawaiian Stilt. A Coot, a Black-Crowned Night Heron and a Hawaiian Stilt on an Island! A Red-Crested Cardinal. “Man, it is getting more crowded around here all the time!” “That’s it.  I’m gone.” ~Curtis on /\/\aui! {!-{>

Day 150

Meanwhile, back on Maui, at the Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge, between Kihei and Ma’alaea… Black-Crowned Night Herons. “Hmmm.  Might be better fishing over there.” “Yep.  Pretty sure it is better over there.” “Yeah.  This is much…” “…no, no I think it as better before.” “Nope.  It isn’t.” ~Curtis on /\/\aui! {!-{>

Day 149

Meanwhile, back on Maui, at the Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge, between Kihei and Ma’alaea… Whale watchers.  Probably a Dinner Cruise! A Cattle Egret. Two Mallards and a Black-Crowned Night Heron. Family. Aliens? ~Curtis on /\/\aui! {!-{>

Day 148

Meanwhile, back on Maui, at the Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge, between Kihei and Ma’alaea… A Black-Crowned Night Heron. “EEeewww!  Got an itch!” “Nothing to see here.  Move along.” ~Curtis on /\/\aui! {!-{>

Day 147

Meanwhile, back on Maui, at the Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge, between Kihei and Ma’alaea… A Coot.  Just like at home! ~Curtis on /\/\aui! {!-{>

Day 078

You’ve seen the view from our Lanai; here is looking away from the ocean…third floor! ~Curtis on /\/\aui! {!-{>