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Monthly Archives: June 2009

Day 176: Back to Ketchikan

I gave Ketchikan a bit of a miss in these posts, so I am returning there for a few moments.  This is very early on the morning of the 10th of June, 2009, steaming towards Ketchikan.  I was on deck with my trusty little Nikon Coolpix L11.  It was cold, clear and deserted.  Just the […]

Day 175: Back in Juneau, Part 2

We entered this slightly upscale souvenir shop with a jewelry counter (they all seemed to have them…apparently jewelry makes a great souvenir, and I am not talking about moose shaped charm bracelets either!  Although I am sure they could be found too…I am waiting for our credit card bill to arrive…).  The guy behind the […]

Day 174: Back in Juneau, Part 1

A quick selection of snapshots from Juneau after we returned from our Whaling Expedition! The World Famous (or Infamous): And of course, the required swinging doors: Inside it was a good fast lunch operation.  This is in the loft. (Nikon Coolpix L11, three shots stitched together in MS ICE) Lots of people here…this is looking […]

Day 173, Back to the Whales!

Another scenic panorama on the way to another Whale spotting.  I play with most of these photos in Paint Shop Pro, so they look more like what you see; the eye and a camera see differently. (1/6400, f5, 17mm, ISO 250, four photos stitched together in MS ICE) One of the many glacier surrounding Juneau. […]

Day 172, A Panoramic Voyage

A few quick panoramas from the Whale watching trip between Whales!  All were stitched together in MS ICE. Looking North! (1/6400, f5, 17mm, ISO 320) Looking East… (1/6400, f5, 17mm, ISO 320) Looking East again. (1/4000, f5, 70mm, ISO 400) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

A quick note!

If you are new to blogs, or haven’t yet figured it out, this blogsite is in chronological, with the top post being the newest; older posts are lower down.  Like in the following series on a bird I photographed in Alaska, Part 4 is on top, since it is the latest one.  Then it is […]

Day 171, The Bird Series, Part 4

100%. (1/5000, f5.6, 180mm, ISO 400) Unretouched. Retouched. ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 170, The Bird Series, Part 3

100%. (1/3200, f5.6, 180mm, ISO 400) Unretouched. Retouched. ~Curtis in /\/\ontana! {!-{>

Day 169, The Bird Series, Part 2

100%. (1/4000, f5.6, 180mm, ISO 400) Full image, unretouched. Retouched. ~Curtis in /\/\ontana! {!-{>

Day 168, The Bird Series, Part 1

I took some really clear bird shots on this whale Watching Tour. An unretouched closeup at 100% (actual resolution it was shot at). (1/5000, f5.6 165mm, ISO 400) The unretouched full image, resized to a convenient 1440×960. The retouched version. ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>