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Daily Archives: April 3rd, 2010

Day 93

A comparison of effectively the same photo in black and white and in color. * (On the left: 1/2000, f8, 28mm, ISO 400, polarizing filter) (On the right: 1/3000, f8, 38mm, ISO 400, polarizing filter) Be sure to click on them to enlarge them.  BACK to return! Last year’s leaves as wallpaper! (1/350, f5.6, 135mm, […]

Day 92: 99 years old

This tunnel is 99 years old this year.  Maybe we should get a party together next year, balloons, cakes, steam engines… (1/90, f16, 35mm, ISO 400, black and white in the camera, polarizing filter) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 91

Old school…black and white digital… (1/1000, f8, 17mm, ISO 200, Red filter in software on the camera, Polarizing filter) (1/350, f8, 17mm, ISO 200, Red filter in software on the camera, Polarizing filter) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 90

Robyn clued me in on a railroad tunnel not too far out of town.  I have been going all around it for years, but never took the side road out to where it is. Back towards Great Falls… (1/180, f8, 17mm, ISO 100, Polarizing filter) (1/359, f8, 32mm, ISO 200, Polarizing filter) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! […]