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Daily Archives: August 22nd, 2010

Day 236: More of the Osprey’s Lunch!

A few more shots of the Osprey and his lunch, down by Rainbow Falls: (1/3000, f8, 235mm, ISO 200, -1/2 stop) (1/3000, f8, 235mm, ISO 200, -1/2 stop) (1/3000, f8, 235mm, ISO 200, -1/2 stop) (1/3000, f8, 235mm, ISO 200, -1/2 stop) (1/3000, f8, 235mm, ISO 200, -1/2 stop) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 235: Don’t forget to look up!

I was getting ready to drive home after my walk down by Rainbow Falls today.  Good thing I looked up!  These are all 100% crops, not reduced at all…he was pretty dang close!  And now, the Osprey’s Lunch… (Click to enlarge, BACK to return, all wallpaper sized!) (1/1000, f8, 225mm, ISO 200, -1/2 stop) (1/1500, […]