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Daily Archives: December 15th, 2010

Day 349

Looking back towards the sunset. (A four photo panorama!) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 348

More of the Anticrepuscular Rays.  Look closely: it had started to fade a bit, but it had gained some extra color. (Click to enlarge; BACK to return.) (A five vertical photo panorama) (Wallpaper taken from the photo above!) An extra bonus: there is a total lunar eclipse on the night of the 20th/morning of the […]

Day 347

Coming home on Tuesday presented me with an interesting atmospheric phenomenon:  Anticrepuscular Rays.  The beams of sunlight you see during a sunset (and sunrise, too, I presume) are Crepuscular Rays.  Anticrepuscular rays are the same sunbeams of light, on the opposite side of the horizon from the sunset.  Despite the apparent fanning effect, they are […]