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Monthly Archives: March 2011

Day 91: A Blast from the Past part 4!

Daily Life Oma with Daily Life daughter #1, around 1988, up at Oma’s shack in the woods. Who looks like Daily Daughter #1 in 2011??? (Taken on the steps of the first Daily Life House!) Adding Daily Life daughter #2 in June 1990. *** ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 90: A Blast from the Past part 3!

A Daily Life family: Daily Life Wife, Daily Life Daughter #1 and Daily Life Dad, around 1988. (And I >>AM<< smiling!) Daily Life Daughters #1 and #2, January 1992 (or so…) *** ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 89: A Blast from the Past part 2!

Here is a handsome young rogue, about to graduate from high school in 1976.  This photo is “proof” that we really did have some great shirts back then…(and he did pay for the photo…)! Five years later the same handsome young rogue as a Second Lieutenant, ADA, US Army, with the Daily Life Gramma proudly […]

Day 88: A Blast from the Past!

I was looking for some photos I took in late 2006 on the Argus World Camera III, when I found these two from the wayback machine harddrive… Charles, LA (Charles’ dad) and my big sister Deyanne, a long, long time ago.  Man, dig those red pants!!! LA sniffing the Beargrass…hmmm… Somewhere in western Montana. ~Curtis […]

Day 87

Coming back from my trip to Kalispell I decided to stop off for a few minutes in Glacier National Park. From the boat launch at Apgar on Lake McDonald. (1/180, f16, 20mm, ISO 100) From farther down the lakeshore (it is still snowed in and only goes up a few miles…) (1/180, f16, 24mm, ISO […]

Day 86

I had to run up to Kalispell for work on Thursday, and I went through Missoula to finish up some stuff.  This is at Nine Pipes Wildlife refuge.  No sunshine, no birds, but an interesting willow and puddle. (1/125, f11, 70mm, ISO 100, -1 stop) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 85

Mrs. Mallard and Mister, down by the tank farm. (1/1500, f11, 500mm, ISO 320, -1/2 stop) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

A PAD Extra!

Robyn, Kimberly and I, and two others from Camera Club, are taking an Adobe Elements 9 class down at the MSU College Of Technology.  Here is playing around after the first class.  Wallpaper sized! (1/125, f11, 135mm, ISO 125, -1/2 stop) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 84: Freezeout Lake Preview!

Sunday evening the Daily Life Wife and I took a run up to Freezeout Lake, about an hour Northwest of here.  Twice a year hundreds of thousands of Snow Geese stop to rest and eat at Freezeout on their way North or South, deoending on the season, of course.  The numbers are starting to build, […]

Day 83

Returning from the sunrise I drove through Fife.  There is just something about train tracks and grain elevators… (1/180, f11, 28mm, ISO 125, -1/2 stop) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>