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Daily Archives: May 6th, 2011

Day 121

The first public offering of my 400mm f5.6 L: Three male Ruddy Ducks (with the blue bills!) and five females.  This is un-edited, and un-resized.  It is just cropped around the edges a bit. (1/180, f11, 400mm, ISO 250, handheld)

Day 120: The Vanishing Brew

Normally when beer vanishes, someone has been drinking it.  However, this does not seem to be the case here.  Our friends Robyn and Walter brought me back a case of four six-packs of the four kinds of beer bottled in Sedona, Arizona, at Oak Creek Brewing Company.  They have been sitting while I wait in […]

Day 119: Happy Birthday to Me, to Me!

According to my julian calendar, the 29th of April is Day 119, so Happy Birthday to Me, to Me!  The Dailydaughter #1 got me a Salsa Garden.  My friend Robyn got me a really nice canvas print of one of my photos (second one down), and the Dailylife Wife got me a Canon 400mm f5.6 […]