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Daily Archives: May 10th, 2011

Day 132

On the return from a quick trip to Helena last week I found these Bighorn Sheep in the frontage road across the river from the Dearborn exit. (1/750, f16, 70mm, ISO 500) (1/500, f8, 80mm, ISO 125, -1/2 stop) (1/350, f8, 140mm, ISO 125, -1/2 stop) “Well?  What are you looking at?” (1/750, f8, 225mm, […]

Day 131

Sunset along the Missouri River in downtown Great Falls… (1/500, f5.6, 400mm, ISO 500, -1/2 stop) (1/500, f5.6, 400mm, ISO 500, -1/2 stop) (1/250, f5.6, 400mm, ISO 500, -1/2 stop) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>