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Monthly Archives: June 2011

Day 180! (Almost through half of another year…)

You can see the rainbow at Rainbow Falls! (Four photos stitched together in MS ICE) Rainbow?  Where? THERE! (Slightly re-saturated!) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 179: More Benton Lake NWR!

Momma +3!!! (1/1000, f8, 400mm, ISO 400) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 178: Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge

A short notice Great Falls Camera Club outing to Benton Lake today.  The Eared Grebes had babies on their backs! Rock-a-bye Baby… (1/1000, f8, 400mm, ISO 400) Uhhh, hey, quick, get off!!! (1/1000, f8, 400mm, ISO 400) WHAAA-HOOOO-POOF! (1/1000, f8, 400mm, ISO 400) Whew!  I’m glad THAT’S out of my system!  You can get back […]

Day 177: Elkhorn, /\/\onTana! Part 2…

As I was pulling out of the cemetery, this deer decided to walk across in front of me. A view of most of the remaining Elkhorn from up on the cemetery road.. Another view. From the “ford” across the stream, with another foundation of some sort. The stream itself. The first Doctor’s office and cabin […]

Day 176: Elkhorn, /\/\onTana! Part 1…

After my whole life living in /\/\onTana! I finally got to go up to Elkhorn, one of our more renowned mining ghost towns.  And it was for work! One the road up to Elkhorn, southeast of Boulder. Looking back across the valley. A few flowers by the road. A few more (taken with my 400mm […]

Nifty Disney Links!

These links go to some really neat Disney videos, taken with a Tilt Shift lens.  That is a special lens used in Architectural Photography to straighten buildings shot from bad angles.  It can also make things look like models, because there is a limited zone of focus.  These videos of Disney Parks and such make […]

Day 175

I got my Topsy Turby planters hung and planted about three weeks ago. I put in seven peppers this year: Bonnie Green Bell, Fajita Bell, Giant Marconi, New Mexico Big Jim, Serrano, Sweet Red Cherry, and Yummy Bell.  I got great photos from last year, but never actually got to eat any of the peppers […]

Day 174

A five photo panorama of Rainbow Falls and Dam, stitched together in Photoshop Elements 9. Just downstream is Crooked Falls with LOTS of water going over it!  A four photo panorama. ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 173

Here you can see the sloughing off below the two overlooks.  You can see on the left below the car where it has slid out from under the upper overlook.  They closed it for several months last Fall to fix it, but it has gotten a lot worse this Spring.  To the right of center […]

Day 172…Flowers along the Trail, Part 5

More flowers along River’s Edge Trail!  Horizontal photos are sized for wallpaper.  Click on them to enlarge, BACK to return here. Three variations on one photo. (1/350, f8, 135mm, ISO 320) *** *** (1/350, f16, 125mm, ISO 320, -1 stop) (1/1500, f8, 115, ISO 320) -1 stop) (1/500, f8, 112mm, ISO 320) So ends our […]