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Monthly Archives: January 2012

Day 30

Meanwhile, back at the Batcave, there are presents, cake and more grandparents!  And one strange hand reaching for Lugnut… (All photos: Canon Powershot SX100IS on auto) Lots of stuff for the dollhouse! (I think she is happy!) A book from Papa… A Groovie Girl… …and a Horse to ride… …from Tante Knick Knack! (I think […]

Day 29: Toots & Company at the Birthday Lunch!

We made our annual pilgrimage to Chilli’s for the Birthday Lunch…and a little food blogging! The Dailylife Wife and Toots looking over the menu. (Canon Powershot SX100IS on Auto) Lugnut makes his selection. Chips and Salsa Attack! Toots and the Chip! A little help with the Mac and Cheese special sauce. A sneaky hand with […]

Special Bonus!

Lugnut by…Lugnut! (Apple iPod) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

50 Greatest Cameras of All Time!

Photographic Monthly magazine has put out their 50 Greatest Cameras of All Time list! “The 50 Greatest Cameras of All Time “A photographer’s ‘first’ camera will always be the one which holds a special place in their heart, whatever we move on to owning. Some of us remain loyal to one brand, one manufacturer or […]

Day 28

This is the other Golden eagle that was flying around that day. (1/4000, f8, 400mm, ISO 400, -1/2 stop) (1/6000, f8, 400mm, ISO 400, -1/2 stop) (1/4000, f8, 400mm, ISO 400, -1/2 stop) (1/4000, f8, 400mm, ISO 400, -1/2 stop) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 27

What can I say, 2012 has been very good to me, when referring to Eagles! (1/1500, f8, 400mm, ISO 400, -1/2 stop) This is that Golden Eagle I previously posted about. (1/1500, f8, 400mm, ISO 400, -1/2 stop) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 26

While I was out photographing the Eagles (you probably shouldn’t say “shooting” the Eagles now the Feds are starting to monitor the Inter-Web-Thingie {!-{P  ) I got a nice photo of some Mallards flying by.  Here are three variations on one photo. (1/1500, f8, 400mm, ISO 400, -1/2 stop) These top two are wallpaper sized.  […]

Ten ways to improve as a photographer

Good ideas if you are stuck or just want to grow.   From:   10 Ways To Improve as a Photographer Cut off participation on photo critique forums. Over time many of the submitted photos start to emulate each other converging into a common style versus diverging to original work. Begin viewing art web […]

Day 25

An immature Golden Eagle, I think.  There were two, and the immatures of the Golden and Bald are very close.  This one is acquiring a golden set of feathers on it’s back and the head doesn’t project as far as the tail does. (1/1500, f8, 400mm, ISO 400, -1/2 stop) (1/1500, f8, 400mm, ISO 400, […]

Day 24

(1/350. f8, 135mm, ISO 200, -1/2 stop) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>