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Daily Archives: January 13th, 2012

Day 14

From yesterday’s Sunrise! (1/30, f5.6, 24mm, ISO 125, =1/2 stop) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 13

I went to see the Sunrise, and it was pretty nice this morning. First is the Moon behind a few clouds. (1/45, f5.6, 135mm, ISO 400, 100% crop) The same photo filtered as…paint dabs! The approach to Fife, /\/\T. (1/125, f5.6, 28mm, ISO 4000, -3 stops) A good start to the Sunrise! (Click to enlarge; […]

Day 12: Puppy Love

After the Moonrise Dailylife Daughter #2 stopped by DD#1’s house to get her skates.  She had to say hello to Mater. (All photos Canon 40D on auto, with flash) (And no, I did not steal them from DD#2’s blog.) (I liberated ’em!  After all, I took ’em!) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 11

Dailylife Daughter #2 and I went to the Moonrise Wednesday night.  We were on top of the hill above the Lewis and Clark Overlook, overlooking Rainbow Falls and Dam. (1/30, f5.6, 400mm, ISO 4000) The viewing conditions were, at least as far as photography went, horrible. (1/1000, f5.6, 400mm, ISO 4000) The wind was blowing […]