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Daily Archives: February 17th, 2012

Day 54: Three (Six?) Variations on a Moonset

 (1/1000, f8, 400mm, ISO 320) Alternate: *** (1/3000, f8, 400mm, ISO 320) Alternate: *** (1/750, f8, 400mm, ISO 320) Alternate: *** ~Curtis in Sedona at Sunrise! {!-{>

Day 53

A Sunrise Moonset!  (1/1500, f8, 400mm, ISO 320) ~Curtis in Arizona! {!-{>

Day 52: More of Sedona!

Here are those magic rock fingers again, with more of the rock (1/350, f8, 127mm, ISO 320) A more distant view of Cathedral Rock. (1/1000, f8, 60mm, ISO 320) Another rock formation. (1/350, f8, 47mm, ISO 320) And another. (1/750, f8, 85mm, ISO 320) ~Curtis in Arizona! {!-{>

Day 51: Morning Glow

I think this is the back side of Courthouse Rock, the far side of the main butte in the moonlight photos on Days 45 and 46, below, and it is the sunrise photo on Day 47.  (1/750, f8, 120mm, ISO 320) ~Curtis in Arizona! {!-{>