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Daily Archives: April 23rd, 2012

Day 115: The Big Show!

The introduction! She sure did make that bustle…ummm…bustle! The Chief narrates. They seek a new land. He is taking his daughter’s true love on this dangerous journey. Preparations. Dangers at sea! Trials in the canoe. A plea for mercy and success. Ummmm…gratuitous (but really neat!) fire knife dancing. A little more, with flaming poi ball […]

Day 114: Dinner!

There was a great dinner included (it is a Luau, after all!).  It (dinner, hula and show) are all held in a big open air pavillion.  How big?  It has it’s own tree! It was done buffet style.  While there were a lot of people, we were called up by table and it went very […]

Day 113: The Luau Pre Game Show!

After the train ride we stayed for the Lu’au Kalamaku.  It is a fantastic theater show/luau, with good food, and open bar, a local craft market… …and dancing girls! (Okay, you’ve seen this one already: Lots more to come!) Lots of dancing girls!  Of all shapes and sizes!  There maybe a few dancing boys in […]