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Daily Archives: June 8th, 2012

Bonus: Previously posted Facebook whale photos!

From Cap’t Andy’s Cruise! *** *** *** *** ~Curtis of the coast of Kauai! {!-{>

Day 155: Cap’t Andy’s Cruise! Part 3

A few more miscellaneous whales…probably better viewed unchecked upon. *** *** *** *** *** *** ~Curtis off thé coast of Kauai! {!-{>

Day 154: Cap’t Andy’s Cruise! Part 2

What?  Whales?  Where? There! *** *** *** *** *** Hey! A second one to the left! These next two I have only cropped and resized.  No other processing was done! *** And these last two I have cropped, resized and lightened the shadows a bit. *** *** ~Curtis of the Coast of Kauai! {!-{>

Day 153: Cap’t Andy’s Cruise! Part 1…

Back on Kauai, we hopped aboard one of Cap’t Andy’s Sunset Dinner Cruises along the Napali Coast!  These other boats were pretty much like the one we were on.  Everyone left their shoes at the dock: this was a barefoot cruise! We had to motor cling pretty fast to get down to the Napali Coast […]