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Daily Archives: June 18th, 2012

Day 167

Tripping the light fantastic with a Franklin Gull! (1/6000s f/6.7 ISO500 400mm -1 stop) He was actually flying into the wind, and not really moving.  He just kept running on the water. (1/6000s f/6.7 ISO500 400mm -1 stop)    (1/4000s f/6.7 ISO500 400mm -1 stop) (1/4000s f/6.7 ISO500 400mm)   (1/8000s f/6.7 ISO500 400mm -1 […]

Day 166

Franklin Gulls, down at Giant Springs State Park. Take off! (1/4000s f/8.0 ISO500 400mm -1 stop) (1/4000s f/8.0 ISO500 400mm -1 stop) (1/4000s f/8.0 ISO500 400mm -1 stop) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>