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Daily Archives: July 31st, 2012

Day 221

On the Trail near Rainbow Falls… (Nikon P7100 1/1250s f/8.0 ISO200 6mm (35mm eq:28mm) -2/3 stop) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 220

A few views from down on the Missouri, mid-town. (Nikon P7100 1/1000s f/6.3 ISO100 6mm (35mm eq:28mm) -2/3 stop) (Nikon P7100 1/2000s f/4.0 ISO200 6mm (35mm eq:28mm) -2/3 stop) (Nikon P7100 1/1600s f/6.3 ISO200 25.4mm (35mm eq:119mm) -2/3 stop) And what is /\/\onTana! without a charging Grizzly Bear? (Nikon P7100 1/1250s f/5.0 ISO200 13mm (35mm eq:61mm) -2/3 stop) ~Curtis […]

Day 209: Off to the DQ!

Dailylife Daughter #1, Toots and Lugnut came to dinner the other night.  Dessert was at Dairy Queen! Lugnut doesn’t get to have ice cream cones in the car, but he sure likes them here! Then it is on to after-dessert entertainment! It WAS good ice cream! ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>