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Daily Archives: July 14th, 2013

Day 199: “This Station is now fully operational!”

It is done.  I mean, I have to replace two overly long screws, put on two pairs of handrails and install some ground anchors for when Lugnut decides to see if he can loop the swing.  But it is done.  The Dailylife Wife even gets to park in the garage tonight! (One night only!) *** […]

Day 198

JAFP*! (1/6000s f/6.7 ISO320 400mm Canon 7D) (1/6000s f/6.7 ISO320 400mm 7D) (1/6000s f/6.7 ISO320 400mm 7D) (1/8000s f/6.7 ISO320 400mm 7D) *Just Another Flying Pelican! ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 197

Evolution of a pelican… (1/1500s f/6.7 ISO320 400mm Canon 7D) (1/2000s f/6.7 ISO320 400mm 7D) (1/3000s f/6.7 ISO320 400mm 7D) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 196

Duck on a log.   (1/750s f/8.0 ISO320 400mm Canon 7D) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 195

Two views from one photo of JAFP*. (1/2000s f/8.0 ISO320 400mm -1 stop Canon 7D) *Just Another Floating Pelican. ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>