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Daily Archives: November 20th, 2013

Update on Day 332! (And 335…)

The roommate has spoken!  See her answers at: Day 332: 14 November!  Now, in fashionable RED LETTERS! Also in Day 335: 16 November the green prickly looking slipper things are Jack Fruit.  The pods inside are edible, and some think very good. ~Curtis on Kaua’i! {!-{> !

Day 340: 18 November, earlier in the evening, part 2

The obligatory Hula lesson!  The guy with the microphone is one of the Smith Family, who were everywhere!  It really is a family business.  This guy was the narrator, introducer, singer, hula helper, and he poured coffee on the side… (Nikon P7100, mostly in super dooper night mode) Tiki Torches! And a great dinner was […]

Day 339: 18 November, earlier in the evening, part 1

(These titles keep getting more complicated!) We attended the Smith Family Garden Luau.  It starts with a quick tour of their gardens and time to walk around and enjoy them in the setting sun. Cactus in Hawai’i?  More than you’d think, but this is outside of the gate. (All Nikn P7100, except the next one!) […]