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Daily Archives: January 4th, 2014

Day 4.

It started snowing last night… A Common Goldeneye. (1/500s f/8.0 ISO250 300mm +1/2 stop Canon 7D) (1/750s f/8.0 ISO250 260mm 7D) Another one… (1/1000s f/8.0 ISO250 300mm 7D) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

A “last of the sunny days” Bonus!

One last photo from New’s Year day.  I like the frosty plank stuck in the tree, I presume from high water recently… (1/350s f/8.0 ISO160 29mm -1/2 stop Canon 7D) ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 3

Lots of ducks down on the River.  Real ones, not those bushy bearded pretenders on TV… Two Barrow Goldeneyes!  Not rare around here, but not frequent… (1/350s f/8.0 ISO160 277mm -1 stop Canon 7D) Greater Scaups on the top left, Redheads in the middle, and one lone Barrow Goldeneye on the bottom right. (1/350s f/8.0 […]