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Daily Archives: September 3rd, 2014

Day 228: Icy Straight, part 6

(Resized because it was so close that even reduced for my blog it wouldn’t all fit on the screen!) ~Curtis, Whalin’ in Alaska! {!-{>

Day 227: Icy Straight, part 5

* ** **** ~Curtis, Whalin’ in Alaska! {!-{>

Day 226: Icy Straight, part 4

* ** *** **** *** ** * * ~Curtis, Whalin’ in Alaska! {!-{>

Day 225: Icy Straight, part 3

* ** *** **** ***** **** *** ** Bloop! ~Curtis, Whalin’ in Alaska! {!-{>

Day 224: Icy Straight, part 2

They only breached for a short while when we first got there. *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ~Curtis, Whalin’ in Alaska! {!-{>

Day 223: Icy Straight, part 1

Today was a Good Day.  No other way to put it.  We got off the ship in Icy Straight. This small town had a good sized canning plant.  It is now a museum and shops. We had to tender in.  There isn’t a dock big enough for the Amsterdam.  I think one of these lifeboat/tenders […]