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Monthly Archives: October 2014

Day 309

I am a little ahead (fancy that!) so it is Halloween here!  The Grandkritters came over… Lugnut is the guy from the Lego Movie, Toots and Kit are Purple and Regular Minions, Stache is a, a, hey! Look up here, Stache!  Yup.  He’s just Stache. Meanwhile, there is a Purple Minion in my house! “Who, […]

Day 308

A brief stop in the Crow’s Nest for the drink of the day yielded…a view of moonlight on the sea… Out on deck it was dark. A little camera magic and a little fill-flash, and it is almost a warm, tropical moonlight on the sea.  Almost. A bit later. ~Curtis, out at sea, near Sitka! […]

Day 307: Back in Alaska…

Meanwhile, back near Sitka, the sun was setting.  I got a neat panorama: five photos from my Samsung s5 Galaxy cellphone. (Click to enlarge; BACK to return!) But what is that, back there behind the ship? Yes, that! Pretty neat so see a rainbow at sea. And of course, the sunset I came out to […]

Day 306

We have a new driver at the Dailylife House…I’m not sure about this… ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{P

Day 305

A few miscellaneous photos of and around Sitka, taken on my phone… From the night before… The big theater had windows!  Who knew? A few otters rafting. Moving out to see more wildlife! Just one of the thousands of neat little islands… At lunch in town after the Whaling. A three photo panorama of the […]

Day 304

With a last wave of the tail, this is the end of the Sitka whale photos…for now… You can see the knobs on the nose of this one! * * * ~Curtis in Sitka! {!-{>

Day 303

Beyond the whales you can see several boats fishing for salmon.  These salmon are called something specific in the store, because they are caught individually with a hook and line, instead of being caught in a purse/seine net.  They bring a premium price, but are individually picked from what is caught, with the others being […]

Day 302

More whale tail… * * * ~Curtis in Sitka! {!-{>

Day 301

I converted this one to black and white, mainly to help make the blow show better. ~Curtis in Sitka! {!-{>

Day 300

This is actually a color photograph.  It was just a flat light kind of a day. The only thing I have done to most of these was resize them to 60% and then cropped them to 1440×960. * * * I did lighten these last three with the bottom of the tail a little. * […]