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Monthly Archives: September 2016

Day 262

More Nevada City! After lunch we took the Alder Gulch Short Line to Virginia City, the County Seat.  This is a two photo panorama.  The track is a lot straighter than it appears!  This is where we later photographed the Milky Way from. The happy crew, ready to roll. Some of those cars to the […]

Day 261

More Nevada City! The Kid at lunch. ** “Jeez, Papa.” ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 260

More Nevada City at lunchtime! Another great little center piece! ** ** ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 259

More Nevada City, at lunchtime! Back to the Bakery. Desperately trying to find something edible by a nine year old… Stirring the drink and shooting the menu. A salad covered in pineapple! Good chicken strips!  “What?” A shredded steak Quesada, or something.  Pretty good! ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 258

More Nevada City! Friend Walter set up for more of those fabulous music making machines… ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 257

More Nevada City! Toots got to do a lot of things.  She carried water, delivered a package from the post office and learned some games. This is one I only tried once many years ago, without much success. Like the pogo stick, she seems to have master the hoop and stick without any problem at […]

Day 256

More Nevada City! Montana’s Oldest School!  And a shadowy self portrait. Kids at recess.  And a half self portrait. This is a panorama from two photos.  I was using an extreme wide-angle and didn’t line things up quite right.  It turned out okay though.  I rather like it! ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 255

More Nevada City! These are two panoramas from the Livery Stable where they keep lots of various wagons.  I used the same two photos to make both panoramas, but for the first one I had to manually line up the post and beams just to the left of the water barrel near the middle.  In addition […]

Day 254

More Nevada City! A quilting table outside of a lived in, power and water free house.  Water comes in buckets from the well. Toots even got to carry some! A period correct firearms demonstration.  A percussion capped Springfield, I believe.  Just ignore those power lines behind the fence… Shooting the shooting! From top to bottom, […]

Day 253

More Nevada City! Main street. Looking into the Saddlery.  Lots of the buildings are open and full of period items! The Barber Shop and Saddlery.  Beyond that is a sod roof shack. Inside the Barber Shop. A detail. Shooting the Blacksmith’s. Inside.  This is a two photo panorama, with perspective correction… Some things never change. […]