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Monthly Archives: December 2016

Day 365

Okay, just a little mix up; somewhere I lost track of a day.  Here is Day 365, and Day 366 is the last light of the year, taken on the last day…{!-{> On our trip to Seattle to visit the Dailylife Daughter #2, we stopped as Issaquah at the McDonalds across the street from the […]

Day 364

Anniversary flowers, from Tuesday… ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 363: Christmas Morning, Part 1

That first elf of the morning as silhouette… Christmas morning breakfasting!  Bacon and eggs! Great Gramma’s sweet rolls! Lots of tongue for emphasis! Most everyone being quiet… Posing in front of the Christmas Tree. The new Mickey Mouse car. “Oh Mama!  is that a PS3 I see?” “This big bag can hold more than one […]

Day 363: Christmas Morning, Part 2

The Dailylife Wife made DD#1 a tree skirt.  She has been working on it for a long time… ‘Stache helps DigDaddy Lugwrench unwrap his present…what’s Christmas morning without some Jerky? I think he had that Paw Patrol doggie backpack surgically implanted… Lavender Bath Roses from Bubbles the Bath Elf! Uh oh.  A railroad set.  We […]

Day 363: Christmas Morning, Part 3

More Lego for the Lego Monsters! A nifty box from the Dailylife Sister-In_Law! Containing a new teapot and assorted stuff! A Lego book, and a mug you can build with Lego on the outside of! My sister sent some neat stuff, including new, handmade pillowcases!  Great material! More Bath Roses. Hey!  A Roku box.  That […]

Day 363: Christmas Morning, Part 4

Sometimes the Dailylife Wife gets a bit over eager when she starts putting out the trash… A cowl from my sister for DD#2! I got a new lens to take star photos with from the Dailylife Wife! “Stache and BigDaddy Lugwrench working on the RailRoad! This has got to be some good hot chocolate! Since […]

Day 362

The first elf in the door Christmas morning… ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 361

No historic photos this year…32 years! As an aside, yesterday was Dad and Sarah’s 39th! ~Curtis in /\/\ontana! {!-{>

Day 360

An eagle eating down by the river…100% crops. Well, this first one is a reduced version of the second one… Back to 100%! Backwinding! “Good Eats!” “Where is that Alton Brown guy now?” ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 359: Merry Christmas!

We had a great breakfast, then opened an amazing pile of gifts…we will be Kerig-cupped out here soon! A few more tree photos form last night.  Today’s activities are yet to come! * ** *** ** ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>