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Daily Archives: August 23rd, 2017

Day 200

Morte miscellaneous stuff from the Day of the Eclipse! On the road WAY too early! Say… …there is a budding astrophotographer in there somewhere…! Our neighbors. Dusty Feet to be. More dusty feet to be. So the Eclipse, or at least Totality, is done.  People are leaving before the Eclipse is over.  I can understand […]

Day 199: A few more Miscellaneous from Toots!

3D Tumbleweed to be.   Rusty! Dusty! Dusty 2! Ummm…there may be a pattern here…   Yup.  You can tell Toots is a member of the Great Falls Camera Club: If it is rusty get a photo of it!  I think it is the Club Motto; I am pretty sure it is in the By-Laws… […]

Day 198: A few miscellaneous photos from Toots!

Just a few photos of the area and whatnot, compliments of Toots… Somebody (probably me…) touched my filter…it didn’t affect the photos though! The “other” camera! Art(sy). What is needed by every astrophotographer! As you can see, dust is going to be everywhere… Art?  Or Macro? Okay, I don’t have a clue…   ~More to […]