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Monthly Archives: October 2019

Day 284

Down on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Narrow Gauge Railway, aboard Galloping Goose #5! Details and track. Why panoramas usually need a tripod! A two photo panorama gone slightly wrong… Cresco. I remember stopping for water here when Great GrandDad and I came herein the late 1990’s. ~Curtis on the Cumbres and Toltec! {!-{>

Day 283

Down on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Narrow Gauge Railway, aboard Galloping Goose #5! Some of the scenery on the New Mexico side… This tour was nicely set up with lots of Photo Run-bys so we could get great shots of the Goose in action! Some of the Motorcoachmen running this thing, as well as […]

Day 282

Looking back down the track through the open doorway on the Galloping Goose #5. The speeder is doing fire patrol. ~Curtis on the Cumbres & Toltec! {!-{>

Day 281

Down on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Narrow Gauge Railway, aboard Galloping Goose #5! A few snapshots out the windows of the Goose at the rest of the rail yard . We were in the back part for this part of the trip. ~Curtis on the Cumbres & Toltec! {!-{>

Day 280

Down on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Narrow Gauge Railway! Looking down the Station platform in Chama, NM. Farther down… Waiting for our train to be called in the Chama Station. (A three photo panorama!) Friend Walter heading down towards the Galloping Goose! There it is! And the crowd is getting seating assignments (anywhere you […]

Day 279

A potential camp site near Mosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, NM. ~Curtis in New Mexico! {!-{>

Day 278

Raising steam in the morning in Chama, NM. Same place and time as below… ~Curtis in New Mexico! {!-{P

Day 277

I am only 10-15 days behind now…partly due to celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving in Kalispell…here is a photo coming back at the Palisades on US HWY 2 just east of the section that runs through Glacier National Park. The Dailylife Wife and ‘Stache in the snow… ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 276

Cutting out a few days, I found these intriguing images of Raising Steam in the morning… At the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Narrowgauge Railroad Chama Yard, Chama, New Mexico. A different view of the photo above. And another photo at the same place and time…all taken on my iPhone 8… ~Curtis in New Mexico! {!-{>

Day 275

After the Sand Dunes we turned to Antonito, CO, and the road to Chama, NM, where we were to catch the Galloping Goose the next day. The last time I came through here, ten or 15 years ago, it was only a week later, the all of the hills were golden. One more photo before […]