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Monthly Archives: February 2020

Day 58

I went up to Benton Lake NWR yesterday. Frozen over with a few Canada Geese way out on the ice. Except for this guy…a Swainson’s Hawk from what I can see. ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 57

The Dailyife Wife complains there aren’t any photos of me in the tales of my trip last Fall…and there aren’t many. But here are two from my last night at the Mosque Del Apache NWR. ~Curtis back in /\/ew /\/\exico again…{!-{>

Day 56

I was looking for the Rim Road along the Mogollon Rim. I missed the turn (it wasn’t in the GPS!). The road would be on top of the mountain ahead of me. ~Curtis, now in Arizona! {!-{>

Day 55

Further on, up on the Continental Divide, is a collection of windmills. By itself it is pretty cool, but is it attached to: Pie Town! There is a festival here, and I just missed it… The road out of Pie Town on the Continental Divide… ~Curtis in /\/ew /\/\exico! {!-{>

Day 54

I finally left Bosque del Apache and headed West towards friend in Phoenix. Way up in the New Mexico high country is this. What is that? Well, it is the Very Large Array. From wikipedia: “The Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) is a centimeter-wavelength radio astronomyobservatory located in central New Mexico on the Plains of San Agustin, between […]

Day 53

At a campground near Mosque del Apache NWR. Not too shabby for an iPhone photo! Un-retouched. Just resized for viewing comfort. ~Curtis in /\/ew /\/\exico! {!-{>

Day 52

An evening’s selfie, just a boy and his truck, back down in Bosque del Apache NWR. ~Curtis in /\/ew /\/\exico! {!-{>

Day 51

At the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge. I was looking for the HQ for Sevilleta and never found it, but I did find this well carved religious display in front of a house in a little village. ~Curtis in /\/ew /\/\exico! {!-{>

Day 50

At the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge. I have been looking for this photo. It is my current wallpaper. I found this in my iPhone photos (it is from my Canon M2: iPhones aren’t usually this good) already cropped and edited…I was afraid this was the only copy I had. But I rechecked and it is […]

Day 49

The last morning at Bosque del Apache NWR: the Great Blue Heron. And a bit closer-upper. ~Curtis in /\/ew /\/\exico! {!-{>