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Monthly Archives: February 2022

Day 58

More of the Anna’s Hummingbird, Mrs. & Mr. The lighting was bad… ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 57

Miss Anna posed for me on a branch.  Briefly.  Very, very briefly. ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 56

More from our neighbor, the Anna’s Hummingbird.  We think she will lay her eggs soon.  She used to ignore us out there, and seems more agitated by our presence recently.   ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 55

More from our neighbor, the Anna’s Hummingbird.  We think she will lay her eggs soon.  She used to ignore us out there, and seems more agitated by our presence recently. ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 54

An unused dirt road panorama for the Camera Club.  The peaks left of center are the San Francisco Peaks above Flagstaff.  At the dip in the red rocks to the right of center lies Sedona. A multi-photo panorama!  Click on it a couple times to enlarge it; BACK to return here! ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 53

The Mr. Anna came by… Mama seems to enjoy his preening…   ~Curtis in /-\rizona!  {!-={>

Day 52

Taken from the backdoor built-in “blind”.  “Chair/Throne” included! ~Curtis in /-\rizona! {!-{>

Day 51

I got a nice 25 second video of the Anna’s Hummingbird returning to its nest.  At the link below: YouTube Link ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 50

Reflections on our RV Resort. ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 49

A half dozen portraits of the Anna’s Hummingbird! ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>