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Monthly Archives: March 2022

Day 84

A sad reality: we are heading home tomorrow. We will see the humming bird(s) no more. We have not seen the Mother Anna’s Hummingbird for several days, but the Wife stopped by the nest today and saw the two babies. So here are my last photos of them. This last one is just a crop […]

Day 83

And interesting flower bed. ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 82

We got back from a quick trip down to Phoenix (the first one!) and I sat back and enjoyed the evening.  The truck, the trailer and the almost full moon.  Not bad for a cellphone photo. ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-.

Day 81

One of the rare colorful evenings here.  There were a lot more last year. ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 80

The signs explaining about Grand Falls. ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 79

Back up to Grand “Chocolate” Falls: This is a view of the whole gorge, with the falls on the right.   Here is the actual rock the Falls falls over.   If you look just to the right of center you will see a rock that has fallen.  It is about the size of a […]

Day 78

Shadow puppets#1.   ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 77

The Office for our little RV resort! ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 76

I got a new hat! Photo by the Dailylife Wife! ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 75

A sad/glad day: Our friends left for Great Falls.  We leave in about a week and a half. “You can tell the Montanans (but you can’t tell them much!) by their red trucks…” ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>