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Monthly Archives: March 2022

Day 74

The other side of the Grand Falls, looking back at the overlook.  Slightly enhanced to show the edge! A three photo panorama!  Click to enlarge; BACK to return! ~/-\RiZona! {!-{>

Day 73

The long view back at the main parking area at Grand Falls.  A one photo panorama!  The Falls is just over the edge to the left, in front of the lighter colored rock. ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 72

A shelter for wayward tumbling tumble weeds at the Grand Falls overlook. ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 71

At Grand “Chocolate” Falls. The water that is NOT flowing over the falls.  About six inches deep. The water is stopped by a concrete causeway you can see in the rearview mirror. ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 70

Friend Walter and I went up to Grand Falls, east of Flagstaff.  It is locally known as “Chocolate” Falls: on the rare occasions the water actually flows over over the falls, the water looks like…chocolate.  About 7 miles of washboard to get here! Walter approaching the edge… Walter STILL approaching the edge… At the edge!  […]

Day 69

Symmetrical dandelion! ~Curtis in /~\riZona! {!-{>

Day 68

Cellphone panorama! ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 67

Busy, busy, busy!  How I send much of my time… ~ Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 65

Good Anna photos for so early in the morning!   ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>

Day 64

Miss Anna again! ~Curtis in /-\riZona! {!-{>