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Monthly Archives: July 2022

Day 199

Toots became an Eagle Scout today (actually on 31 July 22)! An award from the Elk’s! Smiles all around! Family Photo Time! !!! ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 198

Toots became an Eagle Scout today (actually on 31 July 22)! At the Elk’s Lodge. Candle Lighting. Toots explaining her Eagle Scout Project Horning in on the act…. Receiving the Eagle Medal! There is even an Eagle Neckerchief! ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 197

It is FAIR time again!  In addition to watching the Photography Department in the evenings, I also fill the “old camera” display.  This year it was with the help of Charity, a GF Camera Club member. ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 196

Flower and bee…fly? ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>


Flower, bee, earwig(?), ant. ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 194

A whole Cormorant! ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 193

Half a Cormorant. ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 192

There are a lot of windmills heading north on I15 these days.  They are long enough that they have escort trucks to block people from passing on the curves. ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 191

Crop dusting near Toston. ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

Day 190

On a not-so-quick trip to Idaho Falls for Avis: rain clouds at the end of Elk Park heading into Butte. ~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>