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Monthly Archives: March 2023

Day 088!

On the Road Again!  Here is Old Town Cottonwood, looking as empty as I have ever seen it in the daytime! We took I17 to Flagstaff, and then US89 to Kanab, UT.  We could have followed US89 all the way home, except for the several mountain passes and ranges that are still snowed in. This […]

Day 087!

This was our last day in Clarkdale and Arizona.  Dad’s health took a turn for the worse, so we decided to head back home while there was a short window of no snow along the route!  His health has improved but we are heading home anyway. So I started with a nice soak in the […]

Day 086!

Photographing blossoms! ~Curtis in /-\rizon/-\! {!-{>

Day 085!

The old Clarkdale power plant, with the Verde River in flood. ~Curtis in /-\rizon/-\! {!-{>

Day 084!

One of the nights it was training I went out to take view of things. I encountered this Muskrat! ~Curtis in /-\rizon/-\! {!-{>

Day 083!

It has been raining down here, a lot!  There are records and floods all over the place. ~Curtis in /-\rizon/-\! {!-{>

Day 082!

A Common Black Hawk.  I don’t know if he was hurt or just tired of the rain. ~Curtis in /-\rizon/-\! {!-{>

Day 081!

The Hummingbirds in the tree next to us are growing like crazy! A bit closer. There is the whole thing… And because you can’t have too many train photos: The Verde Canyon Railroad! ~Curtis in /-\rizon/-\! {!-{>

Day 080!

The Dailylife Wife keeps seeing these high flying birds on her walks.  I am not sure what they are, but they look like Vultures to me. ~Curtis oin /-\rizon/-\! {!-{>

Day 079! A Proud Day!

Back in 1973 I earned my Eagle Rank in the Boy Scouts!  Here I am at the Eagle Recognition by the State Governor, Tom Judge, in 1974.  I am the handsome dude behind his left shoulder. Well, 49 years later (whenever the 18th of March, 2023 is!) Toots got to go to the same Eagle […]