If you get stuck in an office that denies you your Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and some wacko goes postal (or the Zombie Apocolypse starts) this could be something good to know:
Business Week has posted a (probably tongue in cheek) article on improvising weapons from office supplies. Â Some pretty good ideas, but as someone mentioned in the comments, the “chain” or cord on the flail should be shorter then the handle. Â Any longer and it may be a hazard to you as it swings back. Â Six inches is probably long enough, and a power strip would be a better handle than a ruler.
Click on the image to enlarge, then right click on it to save it! Â (Use only under adult supervision!)
And a reminder of potential family problems in the forth coming the Zombie Apocolypse:
Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>
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