Back to Herman’s Flowers!
(1/45s f/6.7 ISO100 100mm -1 stop Canon 7D)
The center of a poinsettia.
(1/30s f/6.7 ISO100 100mm -1 stop 7D)
(1/20s f/6.7 ISO100 100mm -1 stop 7D)
This was taken with a 40 year old Olympus Zuiko 50mm Macro lens from days long gone by. Â It is completely manual on my Canon, and I did not record the f-stop.
(1/4s f/0.0 ISO100 50mm -1 stop 7D)
Another on the 50mm Zuiko lens.
(1/8s f/0.0 ISO100 50mm +1/2 stop 7D)
~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>
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