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The awful, horrible election of 2020

I haven’t said anything about the Presidential Election yet…it is not over.  Despite warnings from the current President, and Democratic Leaders past warnings (that they themselves conveniently “forgot”) Mail-in ballots were indiscriminately sent to millions even without request, they are being “counted” without checking registrations or post marks, 450,000 of them appeared in Pennsylvania with ONLY the Biden choice marked…no other race or issue on the ballot was marked, the voting machines in all five battleground states have been illegally hooked up to the internet and had an “update” the night before the election and then changed literally tens of thousands of votes to Biden from Trump in hundreds of Trump majority counties, and the voting machine company may have LOST 2.7 million Trump votes in their count (which is being done in Venezuela…) all battleground states where Trump was ahead when they suspiciously ceased counting for the evening and then had up to 400,000 more votes counted for Biden before the voting resumed in the morning, where blocks of up to 140,000 ballots are ALL marked for Biden and explained as they sometimes just sort the ballots that way when no one can find the corresponding block of Trump votes, where a more-popular-than ever President loses to a man who cannot work past 9am most mornings, does almost no rallies or events and the one he does are minimally attended by tens of people, and regularly makes racist and insulting remarks to his minority base, where non-Democrat poll watchers are either kept so far back they can only sometimes confirm someone is putting paper in the ballot sorting machines, or are kicked out entirely in direct opposition to court orders…a President nominated by three different people for a REAL Noble Peace Prize, who is bringing Peace to the Middle East, who has energized the economy bringing about the LOWEST minority unemployment on record, who has brought as much CCP Virus relief and Actions as State Governors have allowed him and who shepherded the Country through the millions expected to die to a couple hundred thousand, made the Government get out of the way and let a vaccine (or two or there or more!) get fast tracked into RECORD development times, who DID NOT ENTER US INTO ANOTHER WAR…he is losing to a man who can’t remember what office he is running for???


God Bless the President and may he win in the end to prevent the lunatic policies and appointments by Gropey Joe the Chinese Communist paid hack and his Communist whacko Vice President running mate from ruining the Country.


~Curtis in /\/\onTana!  {=-{<

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