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Day 327

I made it home from my trailer delivery on Saturday.  A longish trip!  I have a brief summary using my new dashcam.

 Into the Helena Valley.  The dots are the windshield shading.

Welcome Idaho!

The dashcam actually has fairly nice night photos.  Heading out of Camp Verde up the hill towards Phoenix on I127.

Retuniing to /\/\onTana! on US 89, north of Flagstaff.  The Vermillion Cliffs.  East of the Big Ditch (Grand Canyon).

The video is a big jerky, but okay.  What bothers me is the auto over-write feature for when the memory card is full: I put a 128gig Micro SD card in it, and the first two days of the drive were apparently over written, even though there were 40gig+ left.


~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>

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