We stopped at Picacho State Park on the way back north. They were having a super bloom or something or other.
This is a rugged little mountain range stuck off by itself.
There was a bit of a line. It was worse when we were leaving.
The Dailylife Wife waaaaayyy down there!
(Click on it a couple of times to see the panorama full sized!)
Her she is going the other way.
It is a popular destination, particularly when the bloom is on!
Here are two 360 degree panoramas. One is completely around, the other missed by just a little. Both are made from the same two 180 degree panoramas!
What makes these different is that one 180 degree panorama was made on the other side of a tree from the other one. That is why when you examine these closely you will see artifacts where they joined up.
Here is one almost like one of the originals from above.
Now: lots of flowers!
Compliments of Arizona state Parks!
~Curtis in /-\rizon/-\! {!-{>
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